Marital Conflict Resolved

On June 14, 2024, I asked a question on Facebook, expecting responses from ladies.  Many men also answered, but I am using the ladies’ responses in this presentation.  The original question will appear at the end of this article. I am presenting the combined and organized responses of the ladies that were kind enough to …

Being a Wife for God is a Wonderful Gift from God

The Proverbs 31 Woman Proverbs 31:10-31 is often held up as the Biblical view of a godly or Christian wife.  Much is made of her industry, her relationship with her husband, and her family.  While all these traits are admirable and worthy of praise, I believe they are secondary to that which makes everything else …

Some of Gods Provision for Women in Difficult Situations

Several places in the New Testament Scriptures, God gives directions for the design and order of the marriage relationship between a man and a woman.  There is uniformity and consistency throughout the writings of the Apostles describing God’s instructions in marital relations.  The passage that is usually looked at first is Ephesians 5:22-33.  Please read …

God Preserves His Word

I believe this… The King James Bible (not the King James Version) is God’s preserved presentation of His inspired Word in the English language.  I know there have been updates of the vernacular in it over the centuries, but nothing has been changed about the KJB from the texts used in its original translation.  I …